JP Receives “A” Rating

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The Arizona Department of Education notified us that JPHS has received the grade of A. JPHS ranks 14th out of 287 high schools in Maricopa County on U.S. News and World Report has recognized Jefferson Preparatory as one of American’s Best High Schools for three years in a row.  Please share your Jefferson experience with those around you, in conversation and on your social media. Like us on Facebook.  Re-share our Facebook posts. Let others know that JPHS offers the school high school experience they want for their children.

Invite your friends and family to learn more about our school by attending an information meeting on November 4, November 13, or November 18. We invite ALL who are interested in learning more about the unique experience offered at JPHS to attend.  Information meetings begin at 6:30 pm and last from 60 to 90 minutes, and are held in the building B multi-purpose room (MPR).